Tirana Hub +

Cansu Aran
Living Streets LAB
Published in
11 min readMay 25, 2020


To enhance better the current situation in our place, we had started from making researches about; spatial and community analysis with examining in the terms of quantitave and qualitative aspects. In the spatial analysis, it has deeply focused to understanding current situation in terms of; location, transportation, services and places surrounds, after taking these datas, we continued with the brainstorming to synthesise better this entire session.

To continue with the community analysis and the aim was to understand better how do people live the public life in the area and their relations with behaviours between surrounded services and life. This session was mainly comprising of open questions & ethnographic analysis and closed questions.

Spatial Analysis — Precis

After spatial analysis process it has been understood that Piazza Tirana is well located regarding to its existing central transportation network. Thanks to existing network flows such as; car roads,tram road and pedestrians, provide a dynamic inflow. Its surrounded by many different services which allowed a full potential in it.

Spatial Analysis

Community Analysis — Precis

Series of research with different techniques like surveys and interviews based on quantitative and quantitatives modality to comprehend mainly the relations between people and area. The aim is to understand better how do people live the public life in the area and their relations with behaviours between surrounded services and life.

Our intent is rethinking the surroundings, needs of the unwelcoming space and recovering the existing place with urbanistic approach, generate the way of implementation and intervention with the most suitable and effective methods, collaboration with the proposer and skakeholders, to find possible solutions to improve the quality of the square and design a more interactive, live and favorable urban areas where people can socialize and increase the quality of their citizen life.

Community Analysis


In this process our intent was to involve the stakeholders and the users in to the design process, to define and understant better their needs and to create the possible solutions. Our approach was based on ‘’partcipatory design’’ because in our process thanks to main proposals whom we had possibility to contact directly, was a kind of our partner. And we already knew our stakeholders approach for the area regarding to our main proposals convection so this process involves ‘’user — centred design’’ approach too.

Live Session with Main Proposals;

After creating these 2 layouts, we had our 1st Live Session with our main proposals; ‘’Comune di Milano’’ (CM), ‘’Municipo 6’’ (M6) and ‘’Nuova Acropoli’’ (NA). We shared our 2 preliminary layouts with our other boundary objects like; maps, storyboard and diagrams to clarify better our proposals and also help to visualize better the future process.

We had online sessions in Microsoft Team with using Powerpoint and Miro Online Platform -the facilitation process- and than we exchanged ideas withone another to realise the steering process that helped us undertand better their visions and our way of approach. We explain our thoughts better to our main proposals about the co-design session and we thought about more focusing our boundary objects with also other tools.

Co-Design Sessions and Feedbacks

The other tools which are more interactive were created in Miro Online Platform and specially prepared for our main proposals. This interactive survey is composed by open questions, multichoises questions and other different visualizations. We offered a schedule sheet with many activities to fill out of everyday during a week, many stickers represents many activities for choosing. In the 9th part, we share the 2 layouts of our concepts, and we came up more specific questions for their opinion. We asked problems and suggestions in their thoughts. Also with sharing many new activities to ask them to divided into different areas and their comments for these activities.

Project of Proponents & Defining Concepts


Piazza Hub +. Located in Giambellino and Lorenteggio neighborhood and well placed in a central and spacious layout which is surrounded by various services and a wide transportation network. An active meeting point which accommodates people from all age groups. The intent is to revive the square where people can spend their time with higher quality. Creating pleasant and peaceful atmosphere, alive and activate place thanks to typical tools of Tactical Urbanism. Providing joyful activities and alive ambience which is supporting to inosculate people, besides also offering relation areas in it self.

Hierarchic organization of layout — Main Zones

Regarding to entire process we gained from the main primarly aspects thanks to the various analysis and the collaboration sessions . We synthesized our project and created our possible solutions in one layout with coming up some keywords for out concept, like “pleasant-peaceful atmosphere”, “socializing”, ‘’relaxation’’ “suitable for every users”, “alive and pleasand atmosphere” and “fixing degradation”.

Tirana Hub + is the new proposal borned thanks to each process we get the needs. A completely renovated square to accommodate people of all ages and families. A place designed for everyone, a meeting place, where to spend your free time, a place to stimulate well-being through exercise, a place for grandparents and grandchildren, for adults and young people, a place returned to citizens with a new atmosphere more pleasant and a new identity. In order to create a more lively and active place, the place is designed according to tactical urbanism approach with temporary solutions. The concept also includes variable areas that serve for joyful activities and other services to provide interaction between citizens and have a space where all users can spend their time with superior quality.

Hierarchic Organization of Layout — Main Zones

In the new layout, according to the suggestions from our collaborators, we decided to divide the two existing dog areas to create one dedicated to big dogs and the other dedicated to small dogs. The activities that we selected after all our collaboration phases have been positioned through out the square, in order to avoid unused parts of it.

Hierarchic Organization of Layout

Compared with the previous steps of our layout, in the way of developing , we increase the dog area and divided it into two parts. Bycle parking and jogging routed were added. As for the activities, we increase the concrete areas and improve the others parts. Besides, we enhanced the area for children the children playground. The hierarchic organization of layout improved. For the 3 main zones; the first the picnic area, for 2–4 person. The second zone is secondary meeting area, it can contains 5–15 person. And the largest gathering zone is gathering-event area for 16–40 person. It is set for entertainment events, cultures collaboration, ethnic bazaars, performance area and interactive socialization. We also set the children playground area, two relaxation areas for reading, sharing ,mental relaxation, yoga and stretching and the others to finalised the 2020’s layout.

Axonometric view


To enhance better every part of the square, we wanted to emphasize each part of the zones thanks to series of renders and visualisations. So after each views we went deep to relevant function that we gave and explained our intent regarding to each zones. So this journey map is providing us to clarify better the activities and each possible solution that we created and also explains better the latest visuals.

Spatial Journey map
Spatial Journey map
Spatial Journey map
Spatial Journey map
General view


For the social distance precautions, we are using temporary outdoor stickers in several areas for the solid floor and take attention with these colorful signs which is integrated with urbanistic colorfull floor pattern and also with our vertical sign we are emphasizing better the social distance configurations. For more physcial distance precautions, to enhance the awareness we want to display measurements in the pavement in several main parts. Mostly in the active circulations paths and in the running path.

Social Distance Precautions

After pandemic situation ‘for a while, when it will takes’, we will place the elements with help of zones. And also placing elements in order, for example very simple solutions like; Picnic tables with ropes in order to prevent passing.

Social Distance Precautions


An active meeting point advanced with the long term solutions which accommodates mostly for elderly People and also for all age groups. The intent is to encouraging sociality and the promotion of cultural and aggregative activities that gives value and like to space. Giving square back to inhabitants with providing cultural, recreational and aggregative initiatives thanks to providing enhanced joyful activities and alive ambience belongs to interactive solutions according to long term interventions.

Before — After — Beyond
Layout of Tirana HUB+

The layout itself is a formation of 2020’s tactical urbanistic Project, its development with the long term situation and also composition of main proposals long term Project.

Before-After Visualisations
Before-After Visualisations
Before-After Visualisations
Before-After Visualisations
Before-After Visualisations
New activities visualisations
Same areas and activities visualisations

After the M4 construction site has done, the metro’s entrance and exit circulation path will be resolved inside of the San Cristoforo train station, so this bridge ‘’Attraverso San Cristoforo’’ will start from behind of the station and extend through the Piazza Tirana. Also regarding to this bridge, square will became a meeting point and more alive. After completing the M4 construction the construction site will be empty (without station). With More budget and maintenance it can be applied new zones and activities as other solutions in long term.

General View


Analysing the elements in the square; to start with the 2020’s project, with dividing the main zones and main activities, in this layout orange color represents the main zones area, the gray color is for others. Here we can see the each elements picture, the area which its belongs to, the material selection, its quantity and where we are gaing to take the element from; from the market, special manufacturing also with its dimentions, from municipality tool kit or volunteerly produce.

For 2030’s layout we are also focusing that; which elements are changing and their reasons also. After finishing the M4 construction, we can include this area to our square so thats why our jogging route is covering all around the square now not only 3 parts. Also we were using m4 construction covering wall as an vertical wall in to 2020 but in beyond version we are producing steel porous walls which we can use not only front part like in after version but also reaching the back part and with the plastic bottles we are rycling the bottles and use as a plant pot. In this producing we will get help from the volunteertis so it will be a kind of workshop in the square.

Abacus of elements — 2020
Abacus of elements — 2020

To coming from there we will also change the bins with which we can seperated the materials so it would be usefull for us with this plan pots producing session. And more over for the long term project we found usefull to realise the real stage because we believe that the activities and events in tirana will be adopted by inhabitants. Also we will put street signs in the bycle and car park area so it will help to control the circulation around and also emphasize the presence of the square in there.

After the M4 construction we will have changings in plaground equpiments and also sport equipments area. We can save more budget fort his parts and change the floor material to rubber and also fort he sport area, we can add permanent equipments.

Abacus of elements — 2030
Abacus of elements — 2030

To go deep in the abacus elements we want to emphasize the new manufactured benches diffrences between 2020 between 2030. In 2020 we have more simple one with steel construction, and wood sitting unit. which can use in both side. In 2030, we have back part to support and provide more comfortable seating. So the only changing is adding back part.

Abacus of elements — new manufacturing benchs 2020
Abacus of elements — new manufacturing benchs 2030

Also for the vertical walls, we want to explain better its structure and how we are going to reach the final result and recyling process.

Abacus of elements — vertical garden structure



Team — 07

Cansu Aran, Davide Intravaia, Cagla Irem Karol, Mevce Nalcaci, Nuo Xu

