Concept generation for Piazza Tripoli

Two visions concept for Piazza Tripoli

Elisabetta Ralli
Living Streets LAB
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2020


A colorful square for Elderly and children


More than 30 days have passed since the Covid-19 pandemic took us by surprise and has us holed up in our homes. We still cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, also because of the thousand decrees that are issued weekly asking us for the umpteenth effort for a common good, our health. How long will this situation last? How much longer will we have to be sheltered in our domestic walls, without external contacts if not those of the poor supermarket clerks forced to work because their work is considered a “first necessity”?

The more the days pass, the more our hopes of spending the holidays together and of seeing our friends and relatives fade. We are bombarded 24 hours a day by newspapers, televisions, telephones and e-mails from so much information that our brain wants, at some point, just one thing: silence. A silence that makes us stop, that allows us to reflect, to make us take a knowledge test and ask ourselves: “Am I doing enough? Am I doing my best to end this?”. Sometimes, however, the silence of the streets, the buildings, the bars without cafes, the restaurants without diners seems so deafening that we would want to go to the square to shout, singing and dancing, so that we can erase for a moment the state of anguish and nostalgia that we carry with us.

But back to our Piazza Tripoli in the city of Milan and to our project for a new identity of the neighbourhood. We have finally moved on to the first real project phase, that of the concept generation, through which we try to translate into words and images our first ideas to satisfy the demands of citizens

For this delivery we were asked to realize two types of visions, in order to have a wider margin of choice in the next phase. We have therefore decided to divide the work into two groups. This has allowed us to work faster without too many obstacles, even from a linguistic point of view.

Before starting with the production of the concepts, we met with Microsoft Teams and discussed the research carried out in the previous two weeks; we have clarified the weaknesses and strengths of the neighbourhood, we listened again to the interview and took note of the requests of citizens, and reread the project “Tripoli talks”, so as not to miss any reference and have a common starting point.

“The fairytale Square”

The first concept that will be analysed is that of the group formed by Elisabetta, Miriam and Pierluigi.

Our starting point was the theme of the fairy tales of Gianni Rodari. Gianni Rodari is an Italian writer of the twentieth century, specialized in children’s literature; a man with a great creative mind and whose hundreds of children’s fairy tales are remembered. The two citizens, Luca Sacchi and Andrea Trefiletti, told us that the theme of fairy tales is a theme very felt by the community, both by the public of children and by that of adults. For this reason, when it came to make an initial brainstorming, we wondered what activities could be common to these two distant, but very similar worlds. In fact, we thought of a space that could accommodate mainly these two generations, through the world of play and knowledge, creating a multifunctional space that could entertain the audience, but at the same time involve it with creative activities.

Moodboard for “The Fairytale Square” concept

The main activities that we plan to carry out are strictly connected to the world of fairy tales. A storyteller will tell fairy tales on a natural stage in the middle of the square during the summer and, to this, will be accompanied by an “open mic”, through which people will be able to tell and express themselves. To these main activities, secondary activities will take place, such as painting and writing workshops. The painting workshop, for example, is linked to the world of graphics and colours, as one of our objectives is to create a street-art that can connect the fractions of the square in a single element.

Going into more detail, via Zanzur and via Mogadiscio will be closed to traffic and will be used as an outdoor co-working space, with multifunctional fixed structures to work and read a book, with the installation of a pergola that will make the road greener and less grey. The hamlet immediately adjacent to Viale Ergisto Bezzi will be used as a dog and toilet area, while the two pieces of asphalt immediately adjacent will remain used parking for the community. Most of the activities will take place inside the central space: around the natural hill, mentioned above, will be realized a playground for children and a botanical garden, which the local community will have the task of curing. The last green area, near Viale Ethiopia, will be dedicated to the satellite events of the street food, which will be attended by both people outside the neighbourhood, as well as commercial activities.

“Via Sociale”

The second vision that will be analysed is that of the group formed by Reehan and Sobhana.

The aim of the vision is to promote socialization among residents on the same street, to build relationships, exchange needs, share skills and knowledge, as well as create an environment for children and the elderly. “Via Sociale” investigates and proposes a definitive solution to develop and strengthen the area, to provide an identity to the square and, finally, to allow a space for social and cultural exchange.

Moodboard for “Via Sociale” concept

The first step was brainstorming, through which we identified the basic comforts of correct lighting, rest spaces and devices that can be used to optimize circulation. The two streets Zanzur and Magadiscio are recovered through street-art to give a strong identity and lay the foundations for a wayfinding around the park for residents. The second step was to define private and public realm: the first with recreational gardens and children’s play area, mobile libraries and day care services; the second through a cultural square with art exhibitions, signing copies of books and a space to host music, dance and cinema.

About urban furniture, the intention is to introduce fixed and mobile objects, to improve the electrical system and make the area safer at night. In this way “Via Sociale” becomes a flexible landscape and a cultural, artistic and creative showcase, with the aim of increasing social interaction and user inclusivity. Encourage the participation of the community, restoring the space to its residents, while allowing for future developments, transforming the square into a vibrant space for the propagation of culture.

It is in our hands to create a culture of sharing that draws us into our neighbourhoods. When we choose to love our paths, the history of our community comes to life.

Team #8: Reehanul Karim Ashraf Ali, Pierluigi Angelo De Pace, Miriam Ganci, Elisabetta Ralli and Sobhana Suriyaprakash



Elisabetta Ralli
Living Streets LAB

Interior Designer and attending students in Interior and Spatials design at “Politecnico di Milano”