How To Get Your Time Back With The Use Of Smart Technologies

The team has just launched a new redesigned website with additional explanations on the increasing role of artificial intelligence in our product.

Get your time back

The entire idea of the new website is to better explain to our users how Instantgo can help them get their time back. The concept of time and the value of time is core to what we are doing. We all know how precious and scarce our time is. We believe that the demands that most of us face today on our time are much greater than in the past. We need to learn how to better prioritize and get the help to make the best use of our time. Technology should offer us a way to do more of what we like while being more productive. For that reason, we focus in Instantgo on several aspects that are strongly intertwined with each other: time, money and knowledge.

Instantgo also offers a smart way to ask questions and track answers

Time & Money

Time is money. We believe that one of the best ways to incentivize people to share their time with others is to let them charge for the value of their time. Offering people the capacity to get compensated creates access for others. It offers a possibility for many people to be able to reach experts or companies that were previously unreachable.

The new Instantgo website

In the last couple of weeks, we also started to add new features in the realm of artificial intelligence to our application. We launched a virtual personal assistant that can be trained to automatically answer questions for you. The personal bot learns answers to questions that were previously asked and can understand if similar questions should have similar answers. This is a first step in our vision of helping people around the world save their time. We spend too much time answering demands that are usually repetitive. With the wide spread of smartphones, we are also increasingly being interrupted with questions that are not necessarily important or urgent.

Instantgo creates a smart and unique app that lets people decide when they want to turn their personal assistant on to answer many of those demands. We also believe that the AI is the perfect companion to the next big topic we tackle: knowledge.

A powerful way to use knowledge

We live today in a knowledge economy. With Instantgo, we want to further the democratization of knowledge. As much as people are more willing to share their time when they get paid for it, they are also happy to share their knowledge. Very often, knowledge and time are two sides of the same coin. People often want to speak with others because they have questions or need for advices. Getting access to the right person at the right time can be life changing. Offering the ability for more people to have access to personalized and instant knowledge and information is worthwhile.

Get paid to share time & knowledge

The website also covers many of the additional features that are offered by the platform such as privacy, the capacity to charge for your time over texts or the autocomplete feature for sentences.

To download the latest version of Instantgo for your iPhone, click here:

