Launch Of Instantgo TV

We are happy to add another layer to our communication with the launch of Instantgo TV, an online video channel which aims to bring our users and to a larger audience anything which is Instantgo related in a video format. The content will be divided in different topics ranging from quick product updates to more formal TV interviews. You can start watching some of our existing content on our YouTube page as well as on our Facebook Video page.

Instantgo interviews

One of the cornerstone of the new Instantgo TV channel will be interviews. We want to interview the different users who are parts of the Instantgo community and help them showcase and explain more broadly their expertise and knowledge. As Instantgo is ultimately focused on knowledge sharing, we want to use those interviews with those users to build on the diversity, quality and strength of our community of users

Aimed at education and showcasing our unique users’ expertise
Robert Grebler of the global hit game Jenga

Product updates

We have been offering short videos about the latest features of the Instantgo app and specific tutorials for a long time and we will continue to do that as the platforms evolve.

Aimed at explaining the latest features of the Instantgo app

Community news

As the company evolves and grow, we will also use this channel to communicate other relevant news for us and our users.

Aimed at broader news around Instantgo and its community

Make sure to download the latest version of the app and its latest update:

