Release Of The Instantgo Brand Guidelines

As we increase the number of features and the capabilities of the Instantgo app and the broader platform, we wanted to add a dedicated space to discuss, share and provide guidelines information on the Instantgo brand. The new brand guidelines page can be found here. You can find and download our logos, many of our icons and some relevant design content on Instantgo. You can also learn about other recommendations and usage guidelines.

The brand name

Last week, one of our users asked us why the name “Instantgo” for our app. Instantgo is composed of two words “Instant” & “go”. The first word “Instant” is because we believe that when someone needs help or is looking for expertise from someone else, they should be able to receive answers instantly. It has to go fast.

The second “go” is because we want to make it as simple as possible for someone to perform a request action and more demands on the platform. Simply pressing a button should deliver what you are looking for on the go.

The go symbolized speed and access

The personal assistant

Our personal assistant uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to learn and answer questions automatically for you. Our virtual bot’s design represents the capacity for the response system to be automatic while having a certain personality. This is the reason why we let users change their robot’s name and even the profile picture of their virtual assistant. The different version for the bot’s design on the brand guidelines page represent that variety of choices offered to the users.

The virtual and personalized personal assistant can answer automatically for you

Generating your own profile buttons

As part of the release of the brand guidelines, we are also launching a specific page for users to be able to generate and download buttons that link to their profile (or to other users if necessary). A number of users have asked us how they could bring more traffic and awareness to their Instantgo profile and placing buttons on their personal website or blog is a good option to get started. We are seeing a number of users receiving significantly more demand as they add these buttons and share their unique profile page on different social networks. We will continue to add tools to let users manage their visibility and share their profile more intelligently.

Easily add a way for people to reach and compensate you for your time

As always, make sure to download the latest version of the Instantgo app here:

