Show Your Availability Automatically And Book Appointments Instantly

Once you have set your available times in the settings of the Instantgo app, your profile will automatically show to other users if you are currently available or when you will be available next. This is a great way to let people instantly know if you are ready to answer their demands or if they will need to wait a bit more to get their answers.

Booking and scheduling times with you is now truly simple:

Users can book times with you based on your schedule settings

If you are not available, the system will invite users to schedule a time with you and even offer slots of the different times you will be available next. Everything is managed automatically within the app. You simply need to have your days and hours set in the schedule settings for the schedule option to appear to others.

Once a user has selected a time, you will receive a notification to accept or decline the appointment. If you accept it, this slot will be taken for all future users.

As always, make sure to download and update the last version of the app to get access to all the latest features today:

