Teach Something — Share What You Know With Instantgo

At Instantgo, we strongly believe that anyone has something to teach. To celebrate this uniqueness and promote knowledge sharing among all, we invite you to send us a short video to tell us something unique that you know that others might be interested to learn. This is our #teachsomething campaign.

We will constantly add to our community playlist all the relevant videos that have been created. We already have received hundreds of them! You can watch some of them below now:

To participate, simply post a video of you on YouTube and other social networks describing your unique expertise. Add in the first line of your YouTube video description, the link to your Instantgo profile (every user on Instantgo has a unique URL link). This allows us to find your video on YouTube and helps you promote your Instantgo profile.

Everyday we will review videos, share the most relevant ones with our community and even interview some of the users who have the most incredible expertise. Make sure to tag #teachsomething and have fun with it!

Watch a quick video on #teachsomething below:

As always, make sure to download the latest version of the free Instanto app below to have access to all the existing features and create your URL profile:

