Too Many Phone Calls

We all tend to receive a lot of phone calls everyday. When someone calls us, they are usually interrupting something that we are doing. Some periods of time are more quiet but at other times, the phone won’t stop ringing. Many of these calls are usually not so relevant. They make us lose our time and concentration. Some people tend to call us for questions for which they could find the answers by themselves or to simply feel busy by talking to someone else. They procrastinate over the phone or any other forms of communication.

Reducing the amount of distractions

It’s hard to decide when to pick up the phone or when to put it away. Deciding when one should keep focusing only on what they are doing at the present time. Still, our capacity to reduce the amount of distractions we face everyday is key to be more productive and effective in our daily life. And with the amount of distractions rising with technology, we need to better learn how to do it.

Smartphones are great tools and great distractors

Loss of concentration

One of the biggest issues of constantly being interrupted with phone calls or emails is the loss of concentration we experience. We can’t really get into the flow of what we are doing if we need to continuously step out to answer other people’s demands. Being able to get completely absorbed by a task can lead to better results. You will tend to work faster, better, innovate and even finding new horizons.

Trying to do too many things at once can remove your ability to do them well

Making ourselves not available

The capacity to make ourselves unavailable when it’s not the right time has become more difficult since we have our phones all day long next to us. In the last decade, we have been trained to become always accessible and reachable. At work, people expect others to answer immediately to their requests and to be available for them on demand.

At times, people don’t understand that by being always on there are not always doing what is best for them or their company. Taking a step back and being able to work more intelligently is important. It takes a conscious and difficult effort to switch back to a place where we control our time and attention. A place where we can objectively decide when it’s the right time to be available and when it’s better to be inaccessible.

How Instantgo can help

By asking people to take into account the value of our time and pay for it, Instantgo helps reduce professional interactions to what really matters. This helps filter out all the noise and irrelevant discussions, so people can focus on what is truly important. If someone wants to reach you on the platform, it means that what they have to tell or ask you is important enough for them to actually compensate you for it. On the other hand, because you are getting compensated, you are more likely to give your entire focus to the discussion and ensuring that the other party is satisfied with your help. By putting such a system in place, we are helping our users get less phone calls. We are also ensuring that those calls that are made, are more relevant.

Reducing the number of phone calls and disruptions we have will become even more essential as we get more connected as a society. Helping people move back towards a place where they are less disrupted and where they can focus on what really matters to them is important. We all need to find what is the sweet spot for us moving forward.

