What You Should Know About Paying For Services On Instantgo

We are summarizing here the main information you need to know regarding paying for services in the Instantgo app and how to manage your payment settings. You can chat with us at anytime by going to your Settings and clicking Help in the app for all your questions.

1. Experts can only charge for a conversation when they respond

Each time you send a message to an expert on the platform, the amount charged by that user is removed from your available balance and placed into that conversation. If you don’t get an answer or if you decide to delete the message or question before that expert responds, the funds associated with that conversation are refunded immediately to your available balance. Simply delete the message or question by swiping left like you would do on any other messaging platform.

2. Know where to find your available balance and set your payment settings

You can check your available balance at anytime by going to your Profile, clicking on the Settings wheel and clicking on Payments. There you can check your available balance and change the settings of your auto-recharge or even disable it.

3. You can decide to add manual funds to your balance at anytime

Some users prefer to manually add funds to their account rather than use the auto-recharge settings. You also add these funds in Payments. On Instantgo, you always decide what works best for you.

4. Auto-recharge has important advantages

With auto-recharge turned on, you can ensure communications will not stop because you ran out of funds on your available balance. It also helps reduce the number of transactions on your credit card as you don’t make micro-payments all the time.

5. You only pay for the messages you write, not the answers you receive

Each message is up to 160 characters (the equivalent to an SMS or usually 3–4 lines of text). If you decide to write more than that, you are simply charged the number of messages you send. You see at all time in the chat conversation the amount of characters left per message and your overall balance for that conversation. You never pay for the length of the answers you receive.

6. If you have questions about charges, check your available balance and your auto-recharge settings first

For some conversations, the system will ask you to have a minimum balance in order to ensure payment to the expert. The system might also ask you with a pop-up if you want to activate the auto-recharge or want to add funds manually. The system will always offer both options. If you decide to activate auto-recharge, you might see a double charge appear on your account as you are withdrawing money for the service you are requesting and automatically adding funds to your available balance. The system will never charge twice for the same discussion. If you feel this is the case, check your available balance. You will see your funds will appear there.

Find a quick video below about auto-recharge and available balance:

And make sure to visit our Help Desk for all your questions on Instantgo:

Please always ensure to have the last version of the app installed to have access to all the latest functionalities.

