If I Wasn’t Afraid

Julia Coplan
Living Un-Edited
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018
Music — Lord I’m Ready Now by Plumb

This is the ongoing journal of my personal awakening. Through up to date and un-edited realness, I hope to help you walk through your own awakening with more balance, love and ease.

If I wasn’t afraid I would jump. If I wasn’t afraid I would say exactly what was on my mind at any moment.

I soar. I leap. I fly. I follow one step and then the next that is right in front of me, sequentially, without wondering what is in the future. I see the very next step and take it without looking back, or worrying over the 10 following steps.

Am I doing this right? Why do I always question that?

If I wasn’t afraid I wouldn’t compare myself to others. I wouldn’t ask what are they thinking, as I write this? Aren’t these writing prompts supposed to be creative? Mine certainly don’t feel creative. And yet I am creating them in the moment, so how are they not creative in the very sense of the word?

If I wasn’t afraid I would broadcast this to the world. I would record myself dancing every day and share it. I would do live videos and share them. I wouldn’t be concerned with what others think. I would dance for myself first, and not be concerned how it is received by others — no expectations. No holding back. No holding back from fear. Moving through the fear instead to shift it in the moment.

Feel the feeling and do it anyways.

Julia Coplan, an intuitive artist, uses dance, photography and writing to get unstuck from mental chatter and allow creativity to flow through.




Julia Coplan
Living Un-Edited

I use intuitive art and expression to get unstuck from mental chatter and allow creativity to flow.