Suspended Animation

Julia Coplan
Living Un-Edited
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2019
Music — Fight Song by Rachel Platten

This is the ongoing journal of my personal awakening and that of the Love YOUniversity (TM) tribe with the help of The Love You Method (TM). Through up to date and un-edited realness, I hope to help you walk through your own awakening with more balance, love and ease in all core areas of life and business.

Usually, when I sit to write a blog post I feel an emotional resolution by the time I get to the end. Today, I feel as if I haven’t gotten to a place of closure yet — I’m still in the middle of the feelings. I still have a knot of tension in my stomach.

Today, I choose to keep going even when the answers elude me. Today, my next step is sharing exactly where I am now, and the simple act of taking that step moves me to my next one.

Today, I share the feelings in the pit of my stomach — the tension that I find there often. I’d call it an old friend, but I realize I don’t yet treat it like one. And that’s why I haven’t yet learned its secrets — the messages that I know are there for me, to help me.

Today, I commit to a new way forward. Come, old friend, I will sit here with you as long as you need. There is no rush, we will be ok and I am here with you every step of the way. And every time you return, I will greet you again. Hello, old friend.

P.S. I’ve been away from posting for a few weeks while on a trip to Cape Cod. I’m sharing a few of my favorite photos of the beauty I found there.

Photos by Julia Coplan

My stomach is buzzing,
One sensation morphs
into the next
in a continuous loop.
A seemingly endless pit —
what is it trying to tell me?

I’m here,
I’m listening.
I try to decipher
the message
yet it remains
unclear to me.

I float through reality
in a type of suspended animation.
When will my feet touch
on solid ground again?
Life is surreal,
Nothing feels concrete to me.
How do I get a foot hold
when everything I touch
becomes sinking sand?

My mind is blank.
Heart pounding
a lump forms in my throat.
This is a familiar feeling —
a deeply worn rut
in the record of my life.
The pit on my stomach
is a song on repeat.
Trying to tell me something,
that I know.
Though it’s just out of my grasp.

It’s ok —
I tell the scared voices within.
I’m here still.
I will listen as long as it takes
to decipher the code.
We will get there together.
Listening is my superpower,
even when I don’t yet
understand the message.
I’ll be here with you,
always together,
my old friend.

Julia Coplan, an intuitive artist, uses dance, photography and writing to move through the extreme isolation of mental turmoil by connecting with her body, inner guidance and higher consciousness to remember that we are never truly alone. As a guide with Love YOUniversity ™, she guides healers, coaches and artists in becoming irresistible to love, money, purpose and joy through awakening. Connect with Julia at to sign up for a complementary 30-minute solution session to help you get clear on your next steps in magnetizing yourself to next-level relationships, purpose, prosperity and joy all areas of life and business.



Julia Coplan
Living Un-Edited

I use intuitive art and expression to get unstuck from mental chatter and allow creativity to flow.