Against the odds of doing laundry

Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 19, 2023

This is the first time in my whole life that I got to use a dryer, and I really had the intention to do so in my second wash of the month, regardless of this assignment. The first time I didn’t do it because I was too scared to ruin my clothes since I hadn’t had any experience with the machine beforehand.

Almost as if the universe wanted to punish me for trying to avoid this part of the journey, the day I had to do my laundry was too busy in the residency to even try to use the dryer. Moreover, of the two available dryers for the students at the dorm, just one was working efficiently, making the waiting exhaustive hours long and not worth enduring the whole day. We have just two washing machines, so yeah, the line is long though invisible.

Still, a new challenge arose: the lack of space. When living with more than 90 students, it’s quite common to face at least half of them washing their clothes on Sunday morning deciding to let the sun dry their clothes instead of waiting for the availability of the machine. I admit that I might be exaggerating the number of people doing their laundry that day, however, the tiny spot available for all our clothes made it feel like that.

The next step might be predictable: joining my designer wit and my urgent needs I would create an ingenious gadget to hang my clothes. Fortunately, life on a busy day can also be simpler, and while waiting for the laundry, the universe forgave me, so some space was freed up to hang my clothes.

Comfort and efficiency require energy when space is an issue in a highly demanded activity (even if the activity also consumes energy), I guess.

