Cut, cut, cut…

Miriam Cianci
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 20, 2023

Let’s see how to cut down on my electrical expenditure by reevaluating my daily hair styling routine.

In my case, I would say the routine was pretty complex. I would use the appliances (both a hair dryer and a hair straightener) more than once a day, especially when I had multiple outings or needed to refresh my hairstyle the following morning. That’s when it dawned on me that there must be a way to reduce this senseless habit.

It’s important to note that my success in this challenge was due to two significant factors: my recent decision to chop my hair short and the current warm weather. Long hair might have posed more challenges, and winter would likely have made a cold neck or catching a cold a real concern. Nonetheless, I was determined to proceed.The immediate positive outcome of this challenge was the remarkable time savings. By skipping daily hair styling with heated appliances, I gained back over half an hour each day. That’s time I could now use in the rest of my daily routine.

Of course, there was more to this challenge than just time management. My naturally wavy hair, unaccustomed to its own waves, posed a (not so) minor issue: I initially felt self-conscious about its appearance in public. That’s when I stumbled upon a very practical solution: heatless curls. I bought a small kit to create curls without using electricity or heat. I know I actually spent money on a potentially useless item, but if I manage to stick to this new decision, the savings were clear.

Using heatless curls has not only allowed me to keep a nice style but has also opened up a world of possibilities for my hair. I can now enjoy an array of fun, heatless styles while reducing my reliance on electrical appliances. The results were not only successful but also invigorating.

In terms of energy savings, my reduced electrical consumption translates to a daily reduction of 22 kW. While this may not seem like a significant sum on a daily basis, it’s crucial to view these savings in the long run. Over time, the cumulative energy savings can make a substantial impact not only on your electricity bill but also on the environment.

