electric water heater issues!!!

Nastaran Kalvandi
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
1 min readOct 20, 2023

Third day experience.

Water heater as a useful home appliance is really essential. The apartment in which my flatmates and I are living, our water heater works with electricity. This means not only we have to be really careful about the amount of hot water which is used, but we also have consider time of taking shower.

To control the energy waste, we decided to determine a maximum time of taking shower up to 10 minutes and also the number of times that we can take a shower in a week, for example, not more than 3 times a week. However, unfortunately, when we didn’t have any rules about energy-consuming we wasted the energy because the average energy which a water heater needs to work is around 1125 Watts per hour, though, we used more than this.

Moreover, some powerful water heaters can use electricity up to 4000 Watts per hour.

