Energy-Friendly Use of Laptop

Kimia Chavoshi
2 min readOct 20, 2023


Since I don’t use many electronic devices in my house, except my laptop, I ended up using it in a more energy-friendly way for both Consuming less energy and prolong my laptop’s battery life(a win-win strategy). I ended up doing these exercises:

_ Adjust Power Settings:

  • Reduce screen brightness when possible.
  • Set my laptop to sleep or hibernate when not in use.

_ Update Software and Drivers:

  • Keeping operating systems, drivers, and software up to date. Updates often include energy-efficiency improvements.

_ Close Unnecessary Apps:

  • Close applications and browser tabs that I am not actively using(I can not do this for Spotify, sorry :) ). Running unnecessary programs consumes CPU and power.

_ Use Energy-Efficient Web Browsing:

  • Avoid opening too many tabs and use browser extensions that help reduce power consumption.

_ Unplug Peripherals:

  • Disconnect external devices like printers, external hard drives, or USB devices when not in use, as they can draw power from laptop.

_ Manage Background Processes:

  • Check for and manage unnecessary background processes or apps that may be running and consuming power.

_ Hibernate or Sleep Mode:

  • Use hibernate or sleep mode when not using laptop, rather than leaving it on or in a full power state.

_ Adjust Display Settings:

  • Use a static desktop background rather than a dynamic one.
  • Set your laptop to turn off the display after a period of inactivity.

_ Battery Care:

  • Unplug your laptop when the battery is fully charged to avoid overcharging.
  • Try not to let the battery drain completely; it’s better to recharge it when it’s at about 20–30% capacity.

_ Optimize for Performance:

  • When I need my laptop to conserve energy, switch to a “Power Saver” mode or a similar setting.

_ Use Energy-Efficient Software:

  • Choose software applications that are known for their energy efficiency, as some programs are more power-hungry than others.

_ Clean Your Laptop:

  • Overheating can cause your laptop to consume more power. Ensure that the laptop’s cooling system is free of dust and debris to maintain efficient cooling.

_ Limit Background Syncing:

  • Disable or reduce the frequency of background syncing for applications like email and cloud storage services.

By following these tips, you can use your laptop in a more energy-efficient manner, which is not only environmentally friendly but can also extend the life of your laptop and its battery.

