Friday and Saturday, the beginning

Bianca Selvatici
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
1 min readOct 7, 2023

It’s been one day since I started the challenge and I tried to make some change in my routine.

I gave up my electric mosquito killer that I usually plug in at night and fortunately there was no mosquito in my room so I slept well anyway.

In the morning I always make my self some tea and heat the water in the microowave, I have to find a less energy spending way to have my tea or find an alternative for my breakfast.

I haven’t take the lift in Polimi this morning, great challenge.

After lesson I stayed home till 7.30 pm and I haven’t light up any light and then I went outside. When I came back I only used my abat jour.

I placed an abat jour also in my kitchen/dining room so I only light one light bulb and not the “chandelier” that have 3, same in my room.

Yesterday I haven’t eaten at home so I didn’t worried about the energy that I use for cooking, but today I had a cold lunch with raw vegetables and leftover hummus.

In the next few days I’m planning to reduce the energy that I use for cooking and I will not use the washing machine this week, I have enough clothes to survive.

