Let’s blow up the washing machine!

Francesco Tomio
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 20, 2023

Being an out-of-town student in Milan, I don’t have much space in the house. Indeed, I live with a roommate in a two-room apartment of modest size. This has some limitations on my daily life choices and obviously also affects my energy consumption. For example, regarding my washing machine, as I don’t have a lot of space, I regularly do a lot of washing machines with a few clothes. This allows me to dry my clothes from time to time, not filling my little drying rack.

In honor of the challenge to consume 4kw per day, I decided to change this habit of mine. I’ve reduced the number of washes I do by 50% in the last week, filling more its compartment that contains the clothes (I had some difficulties in closing the door). It was not easy to find the space where to hang clothes as the drying rack immediately filled. Anyway, using some “extra” surfaces, I managed to dry everything without problems! My roommate was not very happy to see shirts drying where there should have been curtains but at least he has saved some money on the electricity bill.

my washing machine

Now that I have finished the experiment, I will definitely go back to doing more washes but I will still try to fill the machine a little more!

