
Paola Rapino
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 9, 2023

It’s been only a few days into the bodystorming experience, but many questions are already filling my thoughts.

I’ve always been careful about not leaving the lights on in an empty room, or never started a half empty washing machine and in general I do my best not to waste electricity.

However, I realise how much I depend on it everyday, not only when I’m home, but especially when I’m not. I’m a commuter, therefore I rely on public transports daily to reach the campus or to meet friends. This makes me wonder about how many things in my everyday life I take for granted and I never question, despite my concern to engage in behaviors that reduce my environmental impact. How sustainable are our transportation systems? What can be done to reduce their environmental footprint while ensuring they remain efficient and accessible for all?

At first glance, this body-storming experience is an exercise in personal awareness, prompting me to ask myself whether and how much my actions correspond to causes I care about.

I’m trying to change aspects of my daily routine, mainly in my studying time, such as not wasting time on the phone, in order to charge it less times a day, or spend time working on the different assignments with other people in the room, so that I don’t need to switch on other lights.

Also, it has been a few years since I changed my diet to a more plant-based one, noticing with pleasure the good impact it has had on my health as well. For this challenge, I will make sure to invest in this aspect as well to reduce my environmental impact.

