Plug unplug plug unplug (not a typo)

David Martinez
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 13, 2023

Last week I identified what changes I could take to get my daily consumption to 4kW. I decided to start with appliances and electronic devices on standby mode.

All of my devices and appliances’ consumption on standby mode, i.e. plugged but not being used, add up to 0.809kW. That is more than a half of the consumption I need to cut and 20% of what I should consume on a day.

This fact seems amazing to me, there are people that live with just with 5 times what my devices consume while NOT being used. This is striking as gives more context of how much we really need in terms of electricity, and at the same time, for how little people are in need.

So this week I have been unplugging everything right away afer I finish using/charging it. It is a very simple action with relevant impact on the overall consumption. Now, why the title of this post? This is what my experience has been, constant plugging and unplugging which tend to be a bit annoying, to be honest. But, as someone once told me when complaining about how much paperwork they need to do in their well-paid job: “it’s just first world problems”, meaning that we complain for very minimal things.

This is the progress so far on my methods. Halfway through.

✅ Unplugging my phone right after it is charged.

✅ Unplugging my laptop right after it is charged (instead of working all the time with it plugged in).

- Turning off my laptop instead of just leaving it in sleep mode.

✅ Unplugging the washing machine and microwave to avoid standby consumption.

- Stop using two burners on the stove, I think I can use just one and optimize what I cook.

- Stop using the stove extractor, I have a window next to it, I can open it.

