Sometimes not hearing is the best thing

Chiara Laudonia
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
1 min readOct 16, 2023

When the challenge on how to reduce one’s energy consumption was launched, I immediately thought that one of the challenges I absolutely had to try was to reduce the energy consumption of my hearing aids. They rely on batteries to function, and by using them regularly, which is every day except at night when I sleep, I was going through one battery every three days per device. So, I decided to use the hearing aids only when I needed to talk to other people. Therefore, when I was alone (for example, while grocery shopping or on the metro), I turned them off.

What about the results?

After ten days, I noticed that while before the batteries would run out every three days, thanks to this challenge, the batteries now lasted for a full 7 days! It’s incredible how small adjustments have allowed me to save on batteries.

