Starting the 4kW per day challenge from my diet

Caterina Polese
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 9, 2023

At the beginning of this week I started the challenge of living with only 4kW per day, and today I am going to tell you about the new habits I have started regarding food and my diet. In order to reduce energy consumption, I decided to stop using the refrigerator during this two-week challenge. So far the challenge has not been that difficult: in general I love experimenting with food, and now I am finding myself creating combinations that can be suitable for a varied and balanced diet.

There is one clarification to be made: I am not giving up buying things that would go in the fridge (such as mozzarella, various fresh vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes, yoghurt etc), but I am only buying them when I know I will use them. I am lucky enough to have three shops on the way home, so I can go in and buy what I need and then use it for lunch or dinner. This way, I yes have to make numerous expenses, but at least they are not as heavy as I would have usually done.

I love fresh recipes such as caprese (mozzarella and tomatoes), which I combine with breadsticks or taralli, or I am making salad with chickpeas, cucumbers and some kind of fish (tuna or mackerel). And in the morning I love to eat biscuits and drink juice. On a negative note, however, I feel the pressure to immediately finish the things I buy and leave out of the fridge. I think I have started drinking more juice than normal to avoid leaving it out too long.

Since I live with two other people, to reduce this pressure of having to finish everything alone, sharing would be the solution. Unfortunately, however, we have different rhythms and the others do not agree on sharing. They also didn’t want to stop using the fridge, but if I had been home alone I would definitely have turned it off for this challenge.

This is our fridge now, where my part is completely empty.

Even after these reflections, however, I have a positive feeling for the future: I think we will be able to share more of what we eat, not only to reduce waste, but also to create an even stronger sense of house community, where we can eat the same things together and not have to wash all the dirty pots that everyone had to use to cook their own food. We just need to get to know each other a little more, understand our eating habits and find our new way of living together, since we have only been living together for a couple of weeks.

