Strategies and Findings of the start day

Kyeongmin(Stella) Han
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
3 min readOct 9, 2023

So start the journey of 2 weeks, I calculated the electricity usage of a day and set 3 strategies.

[My usage of electricity per day]

  1. use the desk lamp: 5 hours per day * max 5.5w = 0.0275 kWh
  2. use the room light: less than 30 minutes per day * 60w = 0.03 kWh
  3. use the bathroom light: 1 hour per day * 60w = 0.06kWh
  4. use the light of the room entrance: less than 1 hour per day * 60w = 0.06 kWh
  5. warm shower: 15 minutes per day = 3kWh Showering for one minute consumes more energy than using the lights in a 3-person household for an entire day.(
  6. cook 1–2 times a day: 2 hours per day = 0.86kWh
  7. run a washing machine: 1 hour per week = 0.85kWh / 7 = 0.12kWh per day
  8. charge a phone: once a day = 0.005kWh
  9. charge 1 power bank: once a day = 0.005kWh
  10. charge a laptop while using it: 5~10 hours per day = 0.5~1kWh
  11. use a hair dryer: 5 minutes per day = 0.15kWh
  12. store food in a common fridge: everyday = 1.16kWh.
  13. boil water for tea: 5 minutes if using it
  14. watch or listen to music with a common TV if using it
  15. use a microwave: 2 minutes if using it
  • Total: 7kWh
  • Goal: Reducing 2kWh

If I take a warm shower every two days, I can save 1.5kWh per day. Also, if I don’t use a hair dryer I can save more 0.15kWh per day. If I cook once a day, I can save 0.43kWh per day. In total, I can save 2.08kWh.


[Strategies are]

  1. Take a warm shower every two days.
  2. Stop using a hair dryer.
  3. Cook only once a day.

[Goals(from 10 Oct to 24 Oct) are]

  1. Find out the priorities of using electricy
  2. Realize an alternative lifestyle

Journal of Day 0


I realized that taking a warm shower consumes a lot of electricity compared to other usages. For me, warm water coming from above me is a small meditation of the day. So, I didn’t choose to stop taking a warm shower since it may not be sustainable. Instead, cutting my usage of warm water in half would be a good start to a sustainable lifestyle for less usage of electricity. Instead of feeling relieved by a warm shower every day, I can find another way to relieve my stress from the day like taking a night walk. Looking back on the past, taking a warm shower was a luxury for some people. Nowadays, a warm shower seems like an essential part of the day, but it may not be. Although I am used to the culture of taking a shower every day, I have been questioning the culture since I came to Italy. I met friends from other countries who don’t take a shower every day and was surprised at the fact that greasy hair is not a problem as big as in Korea. Usage of everyday electricity may be concerned with the culture. Taking a shower every day may be a symbol of cleanliness and hygiene for some cultures, but overuse of electricity and water for some cultures.

Also, since I live in the student residence, I cook my lunch and dinner every day. Although I don’t use them for a long time, I chose to use the induction cooktop once a day. Storing fried eggs and chicken breasts in a common fridge for the next day would be helpful since I will keep using the fridge. But the remaining problem is ‘How can I heat my food?’ or ‘Do I need to heat prepared food?’.

To stop using a hair dryer is not that hard for me because I have short hair. But sleeping with my hair wet can let me catch a cold, I will try to take a shower in the morning or evening. Therefore, Using electricity at the right moment of the day can save energy.

