Sustainable Living Starts with Your Clothes

Nandini Mehta
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 21, 2023

As my shift to Milan was put on hold due to a delayed Visa, I found myself continuing my journey of attending online classes from right here in India, in a student hostel. The hostel buzzed with life, but I couldn’t ignore the excessive use of the common laundry room. It consumed a staggering 400–1400 kw, contributing significantly to our power consumption. Determined to make a change, I took the initiative to cut down my laundry frequency, from twice a week to once every two weeks.

Opening my wardrobe, I was met with an epiphany. I realized that by mixing and matching my clothes creatively, I could extend my clothing options for two weeks without compromise. This simple act dramatically reduced the need for constant washing.

Inspired by articles I’d read, I embraced the idea that not every garment required washing after a single use. I began wearing my clothes 2–3 times before considering a wash. Jeans, I discovered, were designed to withstand the test of time without frequent laundering. Hanging them properly, I enjoyed multiple uses.

But my commitment to sustainable living didn’t end with the laundry. I made a conscious effort to proactively avoid the energy-guzzling dryer. I chose natural air drying. On less favourable days, I harnessed the constant presence of our 24/7 operating ceiling fans, which are a necessity in my region due to unpredictable weather, even during rainy days. This ingenious adaptation turned them into efficient indoor dryers, serving a dual purpose simultaneously.

With each small change I made, I not only embraced the 4kwh challenge but also contributed to a more sustainable and eco-friendly living environment within our hostel. Together with fellow students, we embarked on a journey to reduce our energy consumption and make our temporary home a greener place.

