Take away everything, but not the light!

Caterina Polese
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 21, 2023

One thing I could not stay without is light. I would have liked to buy some large candles, as I only have small tealights at home at the moment, but in the supermarkets where I usually go the prices are exorbitant for this item, so I decided to use the light sources already present in the house. Luckily we don’t have many: LED spotlights in the hallway, which consume about 3 watts per hour, a LED light in the kitchen, one in the bathroom and a couple in the bedroom, all 5 watts per hour. Considering that during the week I was always at university until 19/19.30, the 4 hours I spent at home, even if I had kept both room lights on the whole time, I would only have consumed 0.040 kW. Moving instead between rooms, where there is a single bulb, I consumed even less. In any case, I had a couple of dinners with my housemates by candlelight, but mostly for the atmosphere they created. Fortunately, my roommate had a couple of large candles, which combined with my small tealights made a relaxing atmosphere.

In the morning I never need to turn on the light, because I usually wake up after 8 o’clock and I love to open the windows and raise the blinds. In the evening, on the other hand, I like to have a warm and cosy atmosphere in my room, and I think that light makes a fundamental contribution to this. In every house I have moved into in the last two years, I have never been able to stay without a gift from a close friend, made by her: the Baileys lamp.

