The relationship between my Hourglass and my TV

Francesco Tomio
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
1 min readOct 20, 2023

In my daily life, I’ve always loved spending time in front of TV. However, I realized that this involved excessive energy consumption, and I decided to approach this problem creatively using a 10-minute hourglass as a reference.

My hourglass has become my tool to limit the time I spend in front of the TV and reduce energy consumption. Every time I turn it on, I also start the hourglass. When the sand completely slips from one end to the other, I know it’s been 10 minutes. Initially, my TV was often turned on for long hours, helping to increase the energy waste. The hourglass was a positive change. When time runs out, I know it’s time to turn off the TV and save energy. The hourglass helped me to become aware of the time spent in front of the screen and adopt a more energy-sustainable lifestyle. I found that I can still enjoy TV, but in a more balanced way, saving energy and avoiding waste.

Their weird relationship

I particularly liked this initiative because the hourglass has become a sort of symbol of my personal commitment. I think I will continue with this initiative.

