Washing together the second round

Derin Sahin
Living with 4kW per day in 2023
2 min readOct 18, 2023

Surprisingly, the second round was not my idea, but one flatmate’s suggestion. I had another event for using less energy in mind, but she told me “Shall we wash together again? I have a few clothes waiting which I would like to wear.”

There was an immediate adoption which I didn’t expect. This time there was more participation.

When it all filled up, I washed. This time, another friend who participated let us use his detergent. And another one took the clothes out when the machine was finished. It was a collaborative thing we made and I personally felt like their elder sister :)

I also realized doing this together, we have eliminated the common problem we experienced when washing laundry individually. When it was individual, there was always a problem when someone forgot their laundry in the machine and the next person who wanted to wash their clothes never hung up someone else’s clothes to dry.

But when we washed them together, they became “our clothes”, not “my clothes” or “your clothes”.

I love the fact that while reducing energy consumption overall, a sense of togetherness occurred. I know for sure that washing together will be something we keep on doing.

