welcoming this new challenge

Living with 4kW per day in 2023
1 min readOct 7, 2023

This marks the beginning of my energy sustainability journey.

One of the first things that came to my mind to reduce my energy consumption was to unplug all appliances from the socket when they are not in use. The electricity consumption of individual appliances, when they are on standby, is not very high. However, if we were to always disconnect all appliances when I don’t use them, it could add up to a more significant amount of energy saved.

So, I decided to unplug my electric toothbrush and replace it with a regular toothbrush, a small gesture that can have a considerable impact in the long run.

As for eating and cooking, I decided not to use the microwave for cooking and heating food anymore and to find more sustainable solutions. I’m thinking of eating as many cold foods as possible that don’t require cooking in the first place or reheating.

As for transportation, starting from the beginning of this year, I had already decided not to use the train to go to university but to ride my bicycle instead. Now, however, I’m even more motivated to continue on this path.

