Across the Atlantic: The Cuban methods for saving energy…

Rafael Fernández de Alaiza
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readSep 21, 2022


Hello there!

This journey starts here… Our world demands for better ways to save energy of all kind. Some people prefer to go on a diet, or forbid themselves the consumption of certain types of food. Others, do drastic changes in their life by living off the grid.

My first approach will be based on illustrating, some of the most common and not so common methods to save energy in my country, Cuba. Secondly, I’ll be documenting the new manners and ways of living I will learn, after my arrival to Italy. Obviously, taking in consideration the energy saving challenge.

Nowadays, the situation in Cuba regarding the electrical energy is in a state of crisis due to the Economical Blockade from the U.S.A Government and also, because of some recent catastrophe that occurred last month: a great magnitude explosion in some of the greatest fuel deposits in Matanzas Province…

The Cuban people don’t have energy poverty. However, the lack of energy is affecting their life and daily activities. There are constant energy blackouts in Cuba; specifically the Havana’s citizens were divided in four groups of programmed energy blackouts, that take place weekly in particular hours of the day. From 10:00 to 14:00 is the most common for this blackouts. In my household we are from Group no.2 which is programmed to participate in this “energy challenge” twice a week, just like the other groups.

Having all this in mind… On the days to come, I will illustrate some of the things that we in my household do to save energy so that way, we can help others enjoy their energy hours…

Keep in touch for new updates on this topic!

