Across the Atlantic: The Cuban methods for saving energy…

Rafael Fernández de Alaiza
Living with 4kWh a day
3 min readSep 22, 2022

Growing and producing our own food:

The access to quality food in Cuba is a bumped road…

Access to quality food in Cuba has become an ¨epic battle¨ for many people, since the lack of fuel to transport food, makes it impossible to adequately reach the markets and from there, to the homes of Cuban families.

To counteract this, there are currently many people throughout the country who with little resources and a lot of ingenuity and savings. They have managed to put on their tables some types of food very necessary for their well-fare, producing some foods such as eggs and growing their own vegetables and other edibles for seasoning.

Luckily, in our household we have a backyard that we were able to use as a space for this task. There we have a small fenced area with five chickens and a rooster which we are feeding daily with leftover food that we save from one day to the next.

Every day, we collect between 3 and 5 home-produced eggs, which are more nutritious and healthier than those that come from hens fed with industrial pellets.

This way we save money and the time of having to buy them at very high prizes in the local market.

To close the iterative cycle, we also use the waste generated from chicken feces as fertilizer for the plants in our yard. We have managed to grow banana plants which are one of the most common fruits in Cuba.

Another of the plants we have managed to grow are big and small peppers, but right now I could only photograph the sprouts in their growing process.

I hope to have attracted your attention and thus encourage you to produce your own food at home…

See you soon!

