Bye water purifier

Chiara Tralci
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readSep 30, 2022

One of the most tiring household habits I tried to change during these days, was the using of our water purifier.

It works indeed using electricity, with a consumption of 0,02 kWh a day if 10 L of water are consumed. Considering these data, it wouldn’t make a big difference on our daily consumption, but it would still be something, and it also helps reducing water waste. This type of water purifier wastes indeed several litres of drinkable water beacuse of the filtring process.

Since there is a water dispenser right below our house, I considered stopping filling bottles at home. I tried to group empty bottles during the day to reduce the number of time I had to get out filling them; but in a family of 5 it turned out a bit impossible. One of the positive things from my parent’s point of view was that I could provide them sparkling water, they’re kinda missing the point though.

It has been tiring but fun. Would I do it during my everyday life? Considering the low effectiveness, no. But it can be something to keep in mind for possible hard times.

