Chapter 3

How sport is an energy-sucking activity for both you and your house

Francesca Bertini
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readSep 29, 2022


Ever since I was a kid, I used to do a lot of sport on weekly basis.

When I was preparing for this challenge, I realized my sport activities really influence a lot my weekly energy consumption, especially the one related with personal and clothes care.

Actually, I train like 4–6 times a week. Before starting the challenge, after every training I used to run half-empty washing machine loads with the sportwear I used in order to wash it immediately. You know, accumulating in my the bathroom some sweaty smelly clothes can be quite unpleasant, for me but maily for my parents. So (for the joy of my mother) I kind of recreated a “decontamination zone” for my sportwear in the garden.

I accumulate there the clothes I used to sport until I can run a very full load in the washing machine.

Doing a lot of sport means even having to shower and wash my hair really often. Fortunately, I have the possibility to have shower in the gym after every training, so I manage to never wash and dry my hair at home. By the way in this weeks I forced myself to have more short cold showers by using some tricks: for example I started using an hair conditioner that doesn’t need to be rinsed, saving 1/3 of the water I usally use when washing my hair.

