Check the tech

Anna Macchietto Pinotto
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readSep 23, 2022

No more replaceable technological devices!

This path in reducing energy consumption proceeds in small steps. There are many household consumptions that are fixed and therefore cannot be reduced. So I was asking myself where to start to reduce my impact in the consumption.

I started from what could most visibly be replaced with the analog version. I said goodbye to my super handy electric toothbrush for lazy people to say welcome to an old manual toothbrush (hopefully my dentist doesn’t mind).

Passing through the kitchen, I realized that I could replace the electric coffee machine with the classic coffee maker (exclusively Bialetti like the best Italians). I also retired for a while my cappuccino maker, kettle and mixer (which consumes far too much). Each of these tools can be replaced by a device that does not consume electricity. I can make the cappuccino with a magical pan equipped with a manual skimmer, the water can boil in a pan on the gas (with a little more patience) and the mixer, let’s face it, in reality you never need it.

The bedroom was the most difficult space because I have not so many devices there. The main digital tool I found to replace was the Kindle, my digital player. To tell the truth, I rarely use it, so it wasn’t difficult to put it away and go back to using only paper books. On the other hand, it was extremely difficult to find a solution for Nikon’s power consumption, my digital camera. I use it very often but I understand that I can reduce the time I use it in order to use my phone to take pictures. By the way Instagram is uploading just low qualitie images so it’s going to be easy.

I have something very interesting coming up to my mind to reduce the vacuum cleaner electric consumption but I’m stll working on it. Stay tuned to find out something more.

