Eating only cold food for two weeks

Federica Formicola
Living with 4kWh a day
3 min readSep 26, 2022

By doing the map on energy consumption, I found that my average consumption is between 5 and 6 kWh per day (so not so high), both because I don’t actually spend a lot of time at home, and because I’m an off-site student, so the house I live here in Milan doesn’t have all the electronic devices that my home in liguria has. An other thing is also that, in general, I tend not to buy electronic devices because I don’t like them (for example, I have an analog watch and I still listen to music with wired headphones). However, from the energy map I noticed that most of the electricity is consumed in the kitchen, so I immediately thought of cutting energy consumption starting from this room.

So the first day I used the oven to cook two quiches which lasted me for six / seven meals (do you remember?), and since that day I have never turned on neither the oven nor the stove (with the exeption of this weekend: I went in my hometown to vote and my father loves cooking!! So I couldn’t stop him from doing it, so he used the stove -> but we will see in the next story that I made him reuse the water used to cook the vegetables).

How did I not use appliances for cooking and eating? Well, actually I don’t even know if I think about it (I love cooking but most of all I love eating!!! So it was very difficult for me).

Anyway, it could seem stupid but I love drinking hot milk with coffee at breakfast (also in summer), so the first thing that I stopped doing was heating the milk in the microwave or on the stove, and I start eating yogurt with cereals or drinking it cold without coffee.

Then, I started eat only cold food both for lunch and dinner: a lot of salads or couscous (it doesn’t need to be cooked, just put water on it) everyday with different ingredients or mixing them in different ways (tomatoes, tuna, tofu, carrots, onion, cheese, mais, olives, cabbage, mozzarella, nuts, ..); a lot of fruit (it is very filling, healthy and doesn’t need to be cooked); not a lot but legumes (I have sometimes eaten canned chickpeas and beans), and a lot of bruschette!! with tomatoes (typical italian food). I have to admit that sometimes I also ate cured meat, for example ham or turkey breast, even if I don’t like them very much, but they don’t need to be cooked.

Here are some examples of the cold food that I’m eating and also me eating bruschetta

