Energy Reduction Try2.2_ Merge myself into dark night

Living with 4kWh a day
Sep 28, 2022

Date: 28th Sep,2022

After sacrificing living quality for saving energy, I decided to change plan by reducing unnecessary energy, such as the ceiling light in my apartments. I can replace then with my phone light. Moreover, I reduced the time on watching videos. Instead, I was focusing on writing papers.

So I kept reading and writing on my laptop till the day off (7:30). As I realised the surrounding dark, I turned on my lamp. To be honest, I am ok with this as long as my laptop and phone are “alive”.

It is cold outside, so I did not using fans. Moreover, I took the shower and finished my dinner by 6:00pm, so I did NOT use the other electricity either in the day.

Energy Assumption in a day: 4.9444KWh-0.06KWh-0.06KWh-0.6KWh= 4.2244KWh.

