Gaia Drago
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readSep 27, 2022

Here we go again! As I was doing the laundry today -in eco mode of course- my only thought was: oh gosh, this is going to consume a lot of energy! So I guess this challenge is actually working on reshaping my way of thinking about daily habits. Since I didn’t really feel like going to the Navigli to wash my own clothes, I tried at least to restrain the after energy consumption and that’s way I decided to give up ironing, even though my mom wouldn’t be proud (to be honest I just wanted a valid excuse).

The drying set up

As soon as my laundry was ready, I’ve hung out my clothes in a surprisingly efficient way so that I could prevent all the annoying creases on them. With my drying rack being really tiny, I had to think out of the box: I took advantage of this huge wooden beam in my apartment to hang on the clothes that are more likely to get wrinkles. Doing so I realized that I could avoid multiple washes as well as cutting the energy consumption furthermore, because I would have much more space to dry the laundry at once. That’s definitely a double win.

My house may seem more like a camping spot right now, but I think that’s a pretty good take so far. As usual see you next time!

