First, turn off the red lights!

Alessia Hyka
Living with 4kWh a day
1 min readSep 21, 2022
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

It’s a tough challenge, let’s start with the superfluous!

I look around and try to think about what I can do to reduce my electricity consumption, what devices I can turn off that are unnecessary. The red light of the TV, wifi and washing machine catch my attention, but also that of the lamp in my bedroom and the printer. So I think the first step is to unplug anything that’s not being used and switch off these red lights. In this way I start to reduce my daily consumption without sacrificing anything, but just being careful about my actions.

It’s a very good first step, small but effective.

Another thing is to pay more attention to the standby mode of my electronic devices. It is best to shut down the computer system when not in use, rather than leaving it in standby, and also to unplug the phone charger, always attached to the socket.

According to ENEA, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, an electronic device in stand-by mode can consume 1 to 4 watts per hour. With that little care, you save up to 10% on electricity consumption.

