Hi there!

Alessandra Masin
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readSep 24, 2022

I’m Alessandra and tomorrow I will finish my first week with 4KWh a day of energy consumption!

When I was asked to partecipate to the challenge, I immediately communicated it to my friend/roommate Riccardo who, very sensitive to environmental issues, enthusiastically agreed to accompany me on this adventure!
Riccardo, like me, studied product design here at the Politecnico of Milano, and for three years now we have been sharing a house together, along with two other people.
So, are you ready to read what we came up with to cut our consumptions?

Well, in this post i'm going to talk about cooking!

Deciding to cook/eat using less electricity is no small undertaking, but it was the household task we did with the least difficulty!
In fact, we have discovered that there are so many ways to eat well and healthy but consuming less energy, and the Internet turns out to be an accessible resource for learning new things!

So here you are the tips that have helped us facing the challenge!

Riccardo and I like to eat together, but most of the time it is not easy to make our habits and schedules coincide.
In fact, often the schedules of one do not coincide with those of the other.
Also, Riccardo is vegan, while I do not follow any particular diet.
But since cooking one time greatly reduces electricity consumption, we drew up a calendar to figure out when it would be possible for us to eat together, and I adapted to his diet, eliminating animal products for a few days.

When we were preparing a meal we produced much larger quantities, so that we could save a portion for the next day, or for those meals we could not eat together. (Basically we prepared the famous milanese SCHISCETTE).

We favored throughout the week the consumption of food that are edible raw, without the need to be cooked.

When possible, depending on our commitments, we made small but frequent purchases of fruits and vegetables, decreasing the use of the refrigerator.

We used the sun exposure to reheat some dishes, such as bread, or to defrost some foods.

There were times when, as good italians as we are, we weren’t able to say no to dishes like pasta!
So we we discovered some tips which turned out to be really helpful!
Indeed, just by using a lid, the boiling time of water can be reduced, also, once you put the pasta, the gas can be turned off (the lid has to be on!!) saving 12 minutes of gas consumption!
The result? Wonderful! Try to believe ♥️

That's It for now!

Updates will follow,

