Its cold and I got sick

Anacristina Garcia
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readSep 27, 2022

Update on how this living with 4kwh is going

So it was all going ok, until it wasn’t. I started reducing the time I had my lights on and eating cold meals because it was warm and sunny and nice and I could spend time outside enjoying the sun, until it dropped like 10°C from one day to another and it got cloudy, and rainy, and not that nice :(

It’s been tricky and challenging to keep my consumption under 4kwh, specially these days that the weather changes have been so sudden and I want to have a cup of tea or coffee all day long and I can’t because heating the water would be quite consuming.

I started sharing meals with my roommate, cooking together and reducing the time using the stove, (I’ve limited my warm meals to one a day), this meant giving up one of the sweetest pleasures of life that is morning coffee and if I’m being honest it’s been a cranky week and a half

I’ve also been trying to make the most of natural light while I’m home working so I don’t have to turn on the lights at 2 pm, which meant opening the windows as much as possible to let the light it, and other things like dust, and rain, and THE COLD

On the bright side this makes me wake up earlier to make the most of it, and on the down side my room gets cold, dusty and I think I got a cold

I know society has become incredible reliant on energy and electricity, and demand grows faster than technological breakthroughs do. Breakthroughs that could help mitigate the energy crisis we face and that we will continue to face. It has become an unbreakable and unsustainable cycle that we desperately need to focus on, not only to grant energy access and comfort to everyone, but to do so in the less harmful way to others, and to the environment, because at the end of the day living with limited access for two weeks is a choice for us, a social challenge, but tomorrow it may not be.

Not trying to end up with a sad note or anything, but it does get you thinking that there’s a lot of work to do


