my conclusion & sustainable ironing

Living with 4kWh a day
3 min readSep 30, 2022

I am very happy to have participated in this challenge, because I am now much more aware of my energy consumption. I want to talk about my last actions in this post:
- smoothing my blouse with the shower air
- close the shutter to isolate the heat
- a little reminder for the future

In the last few days I got a great last idea. Since I now really plan and value it when I allow myself to take hot showers, I have tried to make the shower 100% efficient. Therefore, I tried to smooth my blouse with the hot air of the shower and it has partially worked. It was not all smooth afterwards, but it was enough and afterwards the blouse was much more shiny again.

Here you can see that I have always hung up my shirts very neatly after washing, so that I do not have to iron them at all.

Hanging neatly goes a long way! This is my steamer that I used for ironing before the challenge.

I am aware of the importance of isulating the windows to keep the heat in the house, since in Germany every house is optimally insulated (single glazed windows do not exist in Germany). Since my windows here are not insulated at all, when it was very cold I closed the shutter to keep the heat from the day as best as possible in the room. Especially when I worked on the laptop and did not move I felt very cold.

I want to say thank you for this challenge! I would not have thought at the beginning but it has really brought me a lot! Here’s a little reminder for me and my flatmates that we also remain aware of our energy consumption in the future:

