Updates and improvements

Oona Obrien
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readSep 25, 2022

So how well have I done so far ?

Well as it currently stands I’m not facing any major difficulties. The photo below shows the only failure of my methodology so far :

A rotten aubergine…
…shrivelled and leaking water

Yes so this half aubergine started to rot in my cupboard. I guess I should have cooked it faster. But a part from that so far so good.

This led me to search what happened to ingredients once they are cut and kept in a dry non refrigerated place. And I learned a lot!

According to this article https://www.verywellfit.com/fruits-vegetables-cut-nutrients-lost-2506106, “The three factors that lead to nutrient loss are heat, oxygen, and light. The interiors of uncut produce are protected from oxygen and light but exposed when cut. The nutrient that suffers the heaviest hit in cut fruits and vegetables is probably vitamin C, although some vitamin A and vitamin E get lost as well.”

When I usually use a fridge, I often kept some half cut vegetables lying around for a few days. I never bothered me until this rotten aubergine showed up.

I therefore decided that for the remaining week, each time I started cutting up a vegetable, I would cook it in whole and prepare Tupperwares of it for a maximum of two days. Given that I share my apartment with my partner, I’m pretty certain that this food will not have time to be spoiled.

