What happens when you must drastically reduce your energy consumption

Stefana Broadbent
Living with 4kWh a day
2 min readAug 22, 2022

Energy poverty occurs when energy bills represent a high percentage of consumers’ income, affecting their capacity to cover other expenses. It can also occur when consumers are forced to reduce the energy consumption of their households, and consequently, this affects their physical health and well-being. Additionally, low household incomes, inefficient buildings and appliances, and specific household energy needs contribute to the challenge. It is estimated that over 34 million people in the European Union are experiencing energy poverty to various degrees, with the most vulnerable demographic groups being the most affected. (European Commission Energy Poverty Advisory Hub)

The current geopolitical situation has led to a significant rise in the prices of fuel and energy and it is expected that this will worsen in the winter months. The situation can also be seen as an anticipation of future increases when actions to mitigate climate change may lead to a radical reappraisal of energy pricing. The issue of energy inequality will therefore be an ongoing challenge for years to come. As designers we have multiple ways of addressing this issue with services, artefacts that can ensure a just and inclusive transition to low or zero energy solutions.

Before starting to think of new solutions it is a good idea to try out the experience of living with less energy. This will help us understand what is essential, what is really important and how we can design systems that work for people.



Stefana Broadbent
Living with 4kWh a day

digital anthropologist, lecturer, co-founder If You Want To http://iywto.com a platform for innovative sustainable solutions