What’s new ?

Oona Obrien
Living with 4kWh a day
Sep 28, 2022

I have to say… Not much.

It’s still the beginning of the week so only three days since my last post, but it has been a pretty easy journey to diminishing my energy consumption.

A small victory though : I convinced my roommate to partake in some of the actions of our challenge for a few days. So as of yesterday, he started washing all of his clothes cold and stopped using the dishwasher until Sunday!

Thinking about the reduced bill at the end of the month…

I won’t be a hypocrite: the fact that our washing machine didn’t work for one day (the dishes were getting moldy) and the argument the argument that it would be cheaper in the long run definitely helped, but still! So yesterday guess who did all of the dishes by hand?

Thanks for the help roomie !

