5 Reasons to Consider A DNA Test: Unlock Your Potential!

Knowing yourself “inside-out” can give you greater appreciation towards life, and even your relatives…

Cedric Lee 🧬 (DNA Storyteller)
Living with Genes
6 min readNov 13, 2023


Living With Genes Newsletter | Issue #6–5 Reasons to Consider A DNA Test: Unlock Your Potential!

DNA testing.

It is a concept known by many, but understood by few.

To some, it serves as a forensic tool in criminal investigations; to others, it is a means to identify parentage (especially for those who doesn’t wish to be identified).

How DNA testing is traditionally viewed; even for many people these days. Image generated by Midjourney AI and edited by Photoshop.

Since consumer DNA testing has taken the world by storm in 2017, it has evolved to offer much more than just forensic insights and paternity tests. In a world driven by data and technology, the concept of self-discovery has taken on a whole new meaning.

In this article, we will explore 5 compelling reasons why you should consider taking a DNA test to unlock the hidden secrets in your genetic code.

1. Unraveling Your Ancestral Heritage

How much of your ancestry is “pure”? Are you 100% Caucasian, 100% Asian, or a mix of different ethnic groups?

As a descendant of Chinese immigrants in the city-state of Singapore, I’ve always wondered if my forefathers originated directly from China, or did they spend time intermingling with the various ethnicities in Southeast Asia before setting up home in our garden city?

Indeed, the allure of discovering one’s ancestral roots has not just captivated me, but the curiosity of countless individuals as well. Many DNA testing services like 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and MyHeritage provide a fascinating glimpse into your ancestral heritage.

Humanity has a lot of diversity. In fact, globally, there are 650 different ethnic groups, spread across 190 countries. Which is yours? Image generated by Midjourney AI and edited by Photoshop. Sample report from MyHeritage DNA.

By exploring your genetic markers, I found out that you can uncover the geographic origins of your ancestors, often revealing surprising connections to distant lands and cultures (apparently I am also 20% Dayak, and 10% Vietnamese! Hmm….) . This insight can deepen your understanding of your family’s history and heritage, nurturing a profound sense of belonging and connection to the past.

2. Personalized Health Insights

1-in-2 of us will develop cancer in our lifetime [1]. Being aware of our risk, and getting personalized help, will help us avoid that.

One of the most groundbreaking applications of DNA testing is in the realm of personalized health.

As a healthcare professional for over 2 decades, I have witnessed how successful health outcomes are largely driven by patient biological data, in-depth personalization and early treatments.

Finding out our inherent risks and allergies earlier, is key to ensuring better healthspan and lifespan. Image generated by Midjourney AI and edited by Photoshop. Sample report from eBeauty DNA.

With the rise and ease of self-testing, these DNA tests can provide valuable information about your genetic predispositions to various health conditions (before they actually happen). Armed with this knowledge, you can take proactive steps to mitigate risks, make informed lifestyle choices, and work closely with healthcare professionals to develop tailored wellness plans.

Whether it’s identifying potential risks for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, allergies, or certain cancers, your DNA can be a roadmap to better health.

3. Optimizing Your Nutrition and Fitness

Just as no two people are biologically alike, our nutritional and lifestyle needs are equally different and unique.

Your genes play a significant role in how your body responds to different foods and exercise routines.

Years ago, a client I knew struggled to lose weight despite going to gym 3 times a week. However, upon undergoing a DNA test, she discovered her body needed more vitamin B, which is crucial for converting glucose to energy [2]. Adjusting her diet accordingly, she actually shed 10kg in just 6 weeks naturally!

Personalized approach to nutrition and lifestyle can lead to more positive wellness outcomes, and improve our quality of life dramatically. Image generated by Midjourney AI and edited by Photoshop. Sample report from eBeauty DNA.

Modern DNA test brands such as Circle, Genoplan, Ori, and e-Beauty can offer insights into your genetic blueprint for metabolism, nutrient absorption, and physical performance.

Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your diet and fitness regimen to match your body’s unique requirements, helping you achieve your health and fitness goals more effectively and efficiently.

4. Connecting with Relatives

We all have long-lost relatives whom we’ve lost touch due to time, distance, or circumstances. DNA testing can help us find them.

For those adopted or separated from their biological families, DNA tests can be a great (and inexpensive) way to discover long-lost relatives.

Like how I discovered I have genetic roots from Indonesian Borneo (ie. Dayak) and Vietnam, heritage DNA testing will enable me to trace my bloodline and unveil the truth of my ancestors’ journey in Asia once and for all.

Many people in countries like US and Singapore originate from immigrants. As immigrants, we may have long lost relatives whom we want to re-connect. Image generated by Midjourney AI and edited by Photoshop. Sample report from MyHeritage DNA.

By comparing your DNA with a vast database of users, you might uncover relatives you never knew existed. For instance, platforms like MyHeritage, with a database of over 6.2 million people, can facilitate this search.

Indeed, this technology has enabled heartwarming reunions that have touched countless lives, demonstrating the incredible power of using genetic testing to bring families together.

5. Uncovering Hidden Talents

Most of our talents are only discovered through our life’s journey. However, a DNA test can uncover them much earlier.

Believe it or not, your DNA can provide insights into your innate talents and abilities.

As someone naturally inclined towards creative arts, problem-solving, and communication, I only discovered my strengths in my mid-20s, having gone through life’s various experiences and challenges (Yes, I was an awkward kid and a late bloomer). However, had I known that DNA testing could uncover my strengths earlier, I might have achieved success much sooner in life.

We all have unique talents. By understanding our strengths earlier, we have the opportunity to cultivate them at an early age and create a bigger impact. Image generated by Midjourney AI and edited by Photoshop. Sample report from eBeauty DNA.

In Asia, companies like Circle, Genoplan, Ori, and e-Beauty are exploring the links between genetic markers and certain traits, such as musical aptitude, artistic abilities, and even your taste preferences.

These discoveries enable us to reveal hidden talents and passions we might never have realized we possessed. They also open doors to a better future for our children by aiding in the development of their genetic strengths.


Consumer DNA testing has become remarkably affordable in recent years. Such an investment could unlock insights that support our well-being for years to come.

The world of DNA testing is a realm of endless possibilities.

It is not just about knowing where you came from or understanding potential health risks, it is about unlocking the secrets of your genetic code that can lead a more informed, healthier, and fulfilling life. [3]

Whether you’re driven by curiosity, the desire for better health, or the need to connect with your roots, a DNA test can provide valuable insights into your unique genetic makeup.

If you are ever curious about your genetic secrets, all you need is a small investment, a spit of saliva, and let your DNA embark you on a journey of self-discovery that can transform your life in ways you never imagined!

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Recommended DNA Tests :

Disclaimer: The content in this article is intended solely for informational purposes and may contain outdated information after the date of publishing that doesn’t reflect the latest scientific advancements. The content is presented “as is” and is not guaranteed to be complete or up-to-date.

Sources :

  • [1] 2015, Medical News Today — 1 in 2 people will develop cancer in their lifetime (link)
  • [2] 2021, The Relationship Between B Vitamins & Energy Production (link)
  • [3] 2023, Genetic Testing, Affordability & Personalization at the Forefront of Growth with Growing Adoption of Telemedicine (link)



Cedric Lee 🧬 (DNA Storyteller)
Living with Genes

On a mission to educate people on the impact of their genetics, and the incredible power of these insights to unlock our greatest human potential.