Consumer VS Medical DNA Testing: Unveiling Your Genetic Code!

Helping you dissect the best options you can have for your precious saliva sample.

Cedric Lee 🧬 (DNA Storyteller)
Living with Genes
6 min readOct 9, 2023


Living With Genes Newsletter | Issue #1 — Consumer VS Medical DNA Testing: Unveiling Your Genetic Code!

I have been involved in the field of healthcare, wellness, science and technology for over 20 years. In my lifetime, I have seen the world of DNA testing make remarkable strides, making it increasingly accessible to the masses. Consumer genetic testing and medical genetic testing, while sharing a common scientific foundation, diverge significantly in their applications, insights, and implications.

In this article, I will share my insights on the intriguing similarities and differences between these two facets of genetic exploration, shedding light on their potential to empower individuals and shape our understanding of health, career, and lifestyle choices.

The Common Ground: Science and Accuracy

instruments and laboratory processes used by both industries are often indistinguishable, underlining the reliability of the data generated.

Most people I speak to often do not realize that the core of both consumer and medical DNA testing lies the same scientific foundation.

Both use advanced molecular techniques like PCR and DNA sequencing to decode our genetic makeup, and the instruments and laboratory processes used by both industries are often indistinguishable, underlining the reliability of the data generated.

Illumina’s new NovaSeq X series genome sequencers. Source from Illumina

In fact, regardless of whether it is consumer or medical DNA testing, 80–90% of the sequencing market uses machines from the same brand, Illumina.

Divergence in Insights

primary distinction between consumer and medical genetic testing lies in the insights they unlock.

Now that we’ve explored the common scientific foundation, let’s delve into the key differences between consumer and medical genetic testing.

While the scientific methodology remains consistent, the primary distinction between consumer and medical genetic testing lies in the insights they unlock.

Medical DNA report example with pseudonym name. Source from University of Exeter

Medical genetic testing focuses on identifying specific genetic mutations or variations associated with diseases, offering invaluable information for healthcare providers in diagnosing, treating, and managing medical conditions.

On the other hand, consumer genetic testing casts a wider net, providing insights into nutrition, personality traits, and, to some extent, health predispositions.

Example of a genetic report summary from a consumer DNA brand. Source from eBeauty DNA

Indeed, consumer genetic testing can even captivate our imagination by allowing us to uncover our ancestral roots, and discover intriguing details like stress resistance, lactose tolerance, or susceptibility to gluten allergy — insights that fuel our curiosity and bridge the gap between science and personal identity.

Interpreting the Results: A Challenge or Opportunity?

it is important that consumers seek professional guidance when interpreting their complex genetic information, even in the context of a consumer DNA test.

While genetic testing has made accessing our genetic information easier than ever, it also presents a challenge.

Unlike medical genetic testing, which is typically overseen by healthcare professionals, consumer tests place the responsibility on individuals to understand and act upon their genetic data.

Consumer getting stressed out reading her DNA report. Generated by Midjourney AI

This can be empowering but also daunting, as it necessitates a certain level of genetic literacy.

Therefore, it is important that consumers seek professional guidance when interpreting their complex genetic information, even in the context of a consumer DNA test.

Thankfully, more and more wellness businesses, from gym coaches to life coaches, are recognizing the potential of incorporating their clients’ genetic insights to create highly personalized and effective services.

These insights can become a valuable tool in tailoring fitness routines, nutrition plans, and lifestyle advice, enhancing the overall well-being of individuals on a deeply personalized level.

Consumer Genetic Testing: A Trend and Its Potential Impact

insights into athletic performance or cognitive traits can guide career decisions and personal development efforts.

As we navigate the complexities of interpreting genetic information, let’s explore the rise of consumer genetic testing and its potential impact.

Personally, I see the rise of consumer genetic testing represents a growing trend that aligns with our collective desire for greater control over our health and lifestyles.

More consumers taking DNA tests to predict diseases. Source from Straits Times

Admittedly, while the realm of consumer genetic testing offers an exciting frontier for self-discovery and empowerment, it is also essential to acknowledge the legitimate concerns that accompany this burgeoning field.

Privacy remains a paramount issue, as the sharing of sensitive genetic information raises questions about data security and potential misuse.

Moreover, the accuracy of results, while improving, can sometimes lack the robust scientific backing seen in medical genetic testing.

However, we must not let these challenges overshadow the tremendous potential that genetic testing holds for the betterment of our lives.

Genetic trait insight from a consumer DNA brand. Source from eBeauty DNA

Imagine a scenario where an individual discovers a genetic predisposition for lactose intolerance. Armed with this knowledge, he or she can make dietary choices that align with his/her genetics, potentially improving digestive health.

Similarly, insights into athletic performance or cognitive traits can guide career decisions and personal development efforts.

With responsible oversight, strong data privacy protections, and ongoing scientific validation, we can harness the insights gleaned from our genetic code to make informed decisions about our health, lifestyle, and career paths.

The key lies in striking a balance between the opportunities offered by genetic testing and the responsible management of its associated risks, ultimately ensuring a brighter and more genetically informed future.

The Epigenetic Influence: Our Genetic Multiplier

genetic insights gleaned from consumer testing serve as a foundation upon which we can build healthier, more tailored lifestyles.

Finally, shifting our focus to the dynamic nature of our genes, let’s explore the influence of epigenetic factors.

It is essential to recognize that our genes are not static blueprints but rather dynamic players in the symphony of life. Epigenetic factors, including lifestyle, environment, and diet, can modify gene expression.

This epigenetic influence acts as a “genetic multiplier,” compounding the impact of our choices on our health and overall well-being. Thus, the genetic insights gleaned from consumer testing serve as a foundation upon which we can build healthier, more tailored lifestyles.

Impact of our genetic disposition. Source from ConnectingDNA

In conclusion, while consumer genetic testing and medical genetic testing share similar scientific foundation, they also offer divergent insights and applications.

As our understanding of genetics and epigenetics promises even more personalized discoveries. What untapped potential lies within our genetic code, waiting to be unlocked? 🧬

Medical and Consumer DNA Professionals. Generated by Midjourney AI
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Disclaimer: The content in this article is intended solely for informational purposes and may contain outdated information after the date of publishing that doesn’t reflect the latest scientific advancements. The content is presented “as is” and is not guaranteed to be complete or up-to-date.



Cedric Lee 🧬 (DNA Storyteller)
Living with Genes

On a mission to educate people on the impact of their genetics, and the incredible power of these insights to unlock our greatest human potential.