Walking the Path of Lovingkindness

Jonathan Prescott
Living Zen
Published in
May 17, 2021

May I be happy and safe, and may my heart be filled with joy.

Your invitation is to walk the path of lovingkindness.

The path walks itself

We enter the path with a desire to control the world, thinking:

‘May external circumstances go well for me so that my heart is at ease.’

As we travel the path, we try to control ourselves, thinking:

‘May I know happiness in all circumstances.’

Eventually, our True Self rises to voice an aspiration both inclusive and generous:

‘May all beings know the happiness and joy of complete release.’

Wherever you are is ok. Please be there fully. The path will take you where you need to go. Judgement is excess baggage.

May I be happy and safe, and may my heart be filled with joy.



Jonathan Prescott
Living Zen

| Zen Teacher • Spiritual Director • Hospice Chaplain | Bring your heart and life into balance using the insights of contemplative practice.