Zen’s Two Playful Questions

Jonathan Prescott
Living Zen
Published in
Jul 20, 2021

Zen practice can be whittled down to two playful questions:

What is this? and Who is this?

What is this?

When we open to the question, ‘What is this?’ everything we perceive and think becomes an invitation to wonder. We’re invited to see this, and to see through this.

Who is this?

When we open to the question, ‘Who is this?’ our very existence becomes a playground of curiosity. We look deeply into this person who is seeing and thinking.

We may believe we already know who we are; who others are.

But really, who is this?

Sit with this

As you meditate, join the stream of our ancestors and hold these questions. Hold them lightly, not to find answers, but to come alive with curiosity and wonder.

Please: Don’t wait; time is short.

What is this?

Who is this?



Jonathan Prescott
Living Zen

| Zen Teacher • Spiritual Director • Hospice Chaplain | Bring your heart and life into balance using the insights of contemplative practice.