Make Your Habit Change Stick by Doing This One Thing
For years I tried to make habits stick.
But there was always a brick wall that made me go back to square one.
Finally, after lots of trial and error, I found a way to build positive habits that stuck — for good.
Simple and easy is the way to go
Back in the day, I made my habit goals overwhelming.
I tried to change everything at once. This of course was a recipe for disaster. Studies show that big habit changes usually end up with a high rate of failure. My experience was no exception.
Then, I stumbled upon the book “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy.
It changed my life. I can’t say that about many books. But after finishing “The Compound Effect,” it gave me the support to build my own positive habits.
My key takeaway from the book was to start small.
So I decided that my first habit would be to read 10 pages a day. In the beginning, the habit seemed pretty pointless — and super easy. After all, what would reading 10 pages a day actually amount to?
Apparently, I found out through sticking with it — a lot.