The Dark Side of Intermittent Fasting

Jerome H
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2019


Photo by Gesina Kunkel on Unsplash

Intermittent can be a life-changing practice. But like with anything it isn’t a cure-all.

Fasting has many benefits like:

  • Rapid weight/body fat loss
  • Weight maintenance
  • Increased energy and focus ( after an adjustment period)
  • Decreased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

That being said fasting does have potential downfalls.

Binge eating can be a problem

When you first start fasting binge eating is a common occurrence. Your body is still adjusting to not having food for long periods of time.

After a couple of weeks, you’ll adjust to your new way of eating.

But if you suffer from any disordered eating like binge eating disorder (BED), it’s best to heal that first before starting a fasting protocol.

Years ago when I started fasting I suffered from binge eating. The thing is that I wasn’t even aware of this until I started fasting.

I started to notice that each day when I broke my fast I would go crazy. I’d eat everything in sight.

In retrospect, I would have healed my BED first before starting to fast.



Jerome H

I talk about manifestation, accountability, goals, and spirituality. Download your free grounding meditation: