Fighting for you right to party

Signe Jost
The Lix Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2017


Because when all is said and done, using your hard-earned money on expensive textbooks is just not as satisfying as using your hard-earned money on beer. We are fighting for your right to party. Or travel. Or read (something other than Hofstede – or if you really like his work, then read on!). What we’re trying to say is that we’re here for you. We want you to be able to buy your textbooks without it taking up your entire budget, and without it turning you into a hunchback.

We are joining the party — study-buddy-style 🍻

Lix… L stands for Love, and letters, and let us do it for you. I stands for I (we) will never stop fighting for your right to party (or school). And X stands for x-traordinary people and studying done x-tremely right. Well, this is just a fun, loosely translated acronym, and not what LIX actually stands for, but you get our point. We love education, and we’ve all felt the struggle, juggling a social life and maintaining good grades, whilst exercising, eating healthy food, and in general just being a good human being 👇

Meme from ✌️

The struggle truly is real. We know. It’s pretty much impossible. And that’s why we have created Lix — an app that makes it easy for you to study. So, that’s a burden less weighing you down — and let’s be honest. There’s enough weighing you down as it is.

Our fuel for constantly fighting for your right (to party) is you. You deserve a smarter way, where the price of a book doesn’t control your spending the rest of the year. You deserve a way where it’s easy to highlight, share notes, find the golden passages, and where you are in control of how you study — online as well as offline. And if you let us, we promise to always have your back — and to not hurt your back. We are your study-buddy, the one that feeds you information, and not feed off your bank account.

Study smarter and cheaper #winwin 🙌

So, when you download the app, you get all the tools to study smarter. But It can be difficult, even with all the right tools, to study smart. And that’s where we, once again, join the party. We’ve all been there done that, and that’s why we want, and can, share our best study tips with you. They are made with love, and they’re all free of charge:

1. Take your time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. And the same goes for finding the right way to study. Many say that there’s no right or wrong to studying — and truer words have never been spoken! So, take your time to find your way — and don’t feel bad if your way isn’t like the 12-grades-student in your class. People study differently. Just like people eat differently, or work out differently. And it’s alright to do it differently. And it doesn’t come overnight. Just like abs don’t magically disappear overnight — it takes a lot of practice and pizza.

Meme from meme generator/imgflip 😌

2. Take your breaks! Just like the Romans (Or whom ever built the city) took breaks, so should you. Practice the fine art of “When I’m off, I’m off!” and leave all your worries behind. Go get coffee with a friend. Go get pizza with your bestie. Take that nap Goddammit! And do it all without feeling guilty. You deserve your breaks, and you deserve not feeling bad about taking them. Because in the end, it will help you in the long run and make sure you don’t end up hating your education and everything surrounding it.

Nap picture from 😫

3. Take it all in. And lastly, enjoy your time at Uni. Stop and smell the roses. Your years at Uni are awesome. And it’s supposed to be fun, educational, beer-tastic and much more. So, make sure to be there. Right there, wherever that is. And do what makes you happy. Surround yourself with people you love, enjoy your classes, because they should be fun, challenging and interesting. (Yeah, of course not all classes are, but the majority should at least be). And take it all in. Take it all in. When you do that, we are working on improving Lix so you can do just that.

Enjoy from 🍹

Of course there are more great tips on how to study smarter. Like the blog we wrote about different study styles. But these three remain when all the tedious, outworn and outdated, expensive books have been taken out of the equation.

So, go have fun, go do your thing, and let us do ours ✌️



Signe Jost
The Lix Blog

Signe is a freelance copywriter, she’s (somewhat) fresh out of Uni, loves to write, go skiing, and puns are her guilty pleasure. Let’s “Jost” leave it at that.