Photo courtesy of and 👏

What I wish I knew when I was 18

Signe Jost
The Lix Blog


I remember finishing high school feeling equal amounts of exhilarated and anxious. I had no idea where my life would bring me, what I wanted to be when I “grew up” or what to do in my upcoming gap year(s). Put it simply: I had no clue. Period. If given the chance, there’s several things I would tell past-me. If I could make her stubborn ass listen.

I’m not saying I’m perfect and oh so knowledgeable today. I’m just saying I know (a little) better. And I wish I’d known these things when I was 18. And I’m guessing you could use the reminder too. First of all….

Tweet courtesy of unbotheredbliss — the one that started it all! 👊

It’s okay to not know what you want 🙎

Right now, you have no clue, and you won’t have a clue for years. You’ll question if you’re studying the right thing, and you’ll keep questioning this until you graduate in 8 years. But, calm down. It’s completely normal to be in doubt. Everybody has the same doubts — they’re just not sharing them with anyone because it’s “embarrassing”. Just wait a few years and Jodel will surface, and you’ll quickly learn that everybody struggles, questions, and have no clue what they’re doing.

Tweet courtesy of NathanZed 😋

Slow down, you’re gonna make it 🐢

Just because you don’t know what you want right now it doesn’t mean you’ll never know. You’ll get there. Eventually. But in your own time and on your own terms. Slow and steady wins the race — right? Stop worrying so much. Stop overthinking shit, and just be.

Tweet courtesy of miniradebe_ 😅

Going to University doesn’t make you a better person

This isn’t rocket science but still, you’re struggling with this fact. You love kids. Like, your inner clock has been on full beast-mode since 13. So, the most natural thing in the whole world would be to become a kindergarten teacher. But you’re so convinced that you “can do more” — how stupid is that? A Master’s degree won’t make you a better person. Doing something you love will ☝️

Tweet courtesy of sincerelyybreee 👏

It’s okay to fail a course — it doesn’t mean your failing life

Failing a course is not the end of the world. I promise! And you’re going to fail courses. Don’t sweat it. It’s not because you’re a bad student, it’s just because 1) you didn’t put in the work (that’s on you) or 2) you just don’t get it and you never will (or, you will, but just to endure the reexamination but don’t worry, you’ll never use phonetics again!). And when we’re on the subject: grades aren’t everything. Luckily, this is a bit easier for you to understand than the one about going to University. So, a little credit is due. But only a little. 🙈

Tweet courtesy of sommervh ☀️

Do yourself

Prioritize yourself — you are important, lovable, amazing — just like you are. And that also counts for your love handles and the few extra pounds you’re always battling and beating yourself up abiut. They don’t define you. You define yourself, and don’t get caught up on how you think you “should” look. Eat the ice cream. Drink the beer. Go out, have fun, and do you. 🚀

Tweet courtesy of notjustblondee 👱



Signe Jost
The Lix Blog

Signe is a freelance copywriter, she’s (somewhat) fresh out of Uni, loves to write, go skiing, and puns are her guilty pleasure. Let’s “Jost” leave it at that.